Privacy Notice
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute NCGS 132-1 et.seq documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, films, sound recordings, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data-processing records, artifacts, or other documentary material made or received by the Town in the transaction of public business are public records which, for the most part, are open to public inspection and copying.
The Town of Chapel Hill’s Community Arts & Culture website may collect information, including email addresses, of users. Most, if not all, this information is a public record, as are the email addresses of those who subscribe to the web site’s electronic mailing lists and the user profile data routinely collected by the Town from visitors to this Web Site.
Visitor information routinely captured includes the:
- Internet domain, IP address, state and/or country from which visitors reach the site;
- Date and time
- Pages visited.
The Town of Chapel Hill uses this information to improve the Web Site for our visitors. While this information is a public record, the Town does not sell or otherwise profit from any public records or information obtained from or on the Web Site.